Okay here we go again with the nanny
state stuff. Scientific American magazine begins their article with
“The Environmental Dangers of Backyard Fire Pits.” and “These
popular landscape features may have a global impact”. They go on
to weave a tail of how it may impact people who have heart and lung
disorders. Really? According to the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), so-called fine particles are the most dangerous
components of wood smoke from a health perspective, as they “can
get into your eyes and respiratory system, where they can cause
health problems such as burning eyes, runny nose and illnesses such
as bronchitis.” Oh my goodness! Just think of all the children
in scouting (boy/girl scouts etc.) that have cooked their meals and
roasted marshmallows over the years that that are now confined to
respiratory recovery units. Their little lives forever altered by
they side affects of making s'mores with their friends and families.
I have about had it with being told
what to do by bureaucratic agencies who are run by political
appointees. What pathetically uneventful and sterile lives we would
all lead if we believed this tripe. Tell you what, if the campfire is
burning your eyes, pull your head out of the fire!
here's a thought: Isn't carbon neutrality the end all of the
climate change debate? A backyard fire pit is burning recently grown
trees that have sequestered carbon and is releasing it back into the
atmosphere - carbon neutral.
Pretty soon we will be told that baking
bread is going to be bad for the environment also. We've got to stop
this cultish environmental madness. Just the fact that the folks from
the EPA even care about the backyard fire demonstrates radical and
fanatical environmentalism. The EPA and these "Scientists" have become the modern day
high priests creating sin and penance taxes to line the coffers of their politician masters.