Sunday, August 21, 2011

Revisited - Are you prepared?

Okay so it may not be a nuclear explosion, but we all need to be prepared for calamity.  Earthquakes and tidal waves on the west coast, hurricanes on the east and south coasts forest fires, pandemics, E.M.P. or even war are all possible. Among other things, these events that can take our electrical grid down for extended periods. If the grid goes down, so does water and sewer service.  Even if you survive the initial event, what will you do next?  What if you were not able to go to the grocery store to get food or anything else for an extended period of time? Would you be able to feed yourself and your family?  Would you be able to comfortably survive? With out power many things that you take for granted would not be possible. What about your refrigerator, your freezer, washing machine and dryer. How about: ATM machines, cash registers, credit card processors, computers, the internet? Without power you couldn't even buy fuel for your vehicles.

Even FEMA recommends that you keep a 72 hour emergency kit. It should contain everything you need to eat, drink, sleep, keep warm or cool, take care of sanitation, medications and basic first aid for three days and nights.  After watching the news and seeing the government's response to disasters, I think three days is extremely optimistic.  In my opinion the starting point should be a months reserves of all essentials. There are other reasons to plan ahead and I'll go into some of them in future posts.

Here are a few things to think about and discuss with your family: 

  • Make sure you have an ample safe supply of clean water.
  • Learn first aid and CPR.
  • Assemble a basic first aid kit for your home, car and office.
  • Make an emergency contingency plan and rehears it with your family.
  • Keep your fuel tank at least 1/2 full at all times.
  • Assemble a "blackout kit" with flashlights, candles, lanterns, etc. Put it in a central location accessible to the whole family.

The list could go on, but you get the general idea.

Flood, riot, bomb, weather event, or war, if you survive the initial event, surviving the aftermath will be basically the same for all of them.  You are going to need food, water, shelter and sanitation.  A little planning now could save the lives of you and your loved ones.

Written, copyrighted and published by Steven Fritch. All rights reserved. 

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