Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Gardens and dirtbags

Summer began yesterday.  Those of us who grow gardens in the northern latitudes can finally stop worrying about frost. All our vegetable gardens are coming along nicely and our strawberry patches are on their second crop. 

Since we've has such a wet winter and spring, the ground. Squirrels have really been multiplying.   I think we've reduced their numbers substantially with a combination of bait and bullets though.  

Summer is also the time of year when the nut jobs come out of the woods and the transients roll into town.  In the center of town there is a bridge that crosses a year round creek. It's known locally as "The Weaverville homeless shelter".   They gather under the bridge to: sleep, get high, relieve themselves, party, have sex, etc.  I really feel sorry for the buisiness near the bridge. They suffer greatly at the hands of these people. They steal from them, they panhandle their customers,  they litter everywhere and they do a great deal of property damage. The transients generally leach what they can until the frost of fall puts an end to their dirtbagery for the year. Then they leave for warmer climates. 

Written, copyrighted and published by Steven Fritch. All rights reserved.

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