Sunday, January 22, 2012

Big Brother Is Keeping Tabs On Your Gardens And Animals

We received a survey this week from the USDA (FORM NACS-01).  It starts off with a cover letter stating that the National Agricultural Classification Survey (NACS) is required by law.  If you do not reply, you may be personally visited or you may receive a telephone call.  The form states that a response is required by law.  However, nowhere does it indicate what law you will be breaking if you do not respond.  The entire document is carefully worded to make it seem as though you are required to answer all of their questions. 

The questions include items such as if you have received any agricultural income in the last year, how much land you own, if you have any fruit, berry or nut crops, how many vegetable or melon crops you have, if you have a nursery or a greenhouse, if you have bee hives, cattle, hogs, pigs, sheep, lambs, goats, kids, horses, ponies, mules, donkeys, burros, chickens or turkeys and if so, how many, if you have internet access or high speed internet access.  They also want to know the ethnicity and sex of the people who run the operation.

Personally, I don't think any of it is their damn business.  We finally decided we will send it back with a question as to what law we will be breaking if we do not answer the questions.  After all, a question is a response.  Therefore, I would think we will be in compliance.  Even during the census all they are allowed to ask you is how many people live in your home.  

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